Thursday, September 30, 2010

Temple Grandin Moments in India

1) Being overwhelmed by sensory inputs

2) Cows Everywhere

sorry if you don't know who Temple Grandin is--google her, watch the Claire Danes movie about her, read her book, go out to coffee with my dad and this post will make sense.

3) Swing sets

This morning I woke up in the shekhawati region of India in an awesome hotel in the middle of the indian countryside. MSID took a field trip and we spent two days visiting farms, hevalis (Historical Indian Mansions), forts and eating delicious food. We also middle-schooled it up and had an MSID pool party. The hotel also had a playground. The first thing I thought of to do in the morning was run to the playground and get on a swing. The instant I did I was flooded with memories of all the swing sets I have ever been on. (this is where Temple Grandin comes in--she thinks in pictures and she is flooded with memories of images for everything) I was reminded of swings in the backyard next to the little blue house, underdogs (much to my mother's chagrin) swings at Bay View, swings at the state park, and of course the innumerable amounts of memories from the swings at Lincoln Elementary School. I realized that my swinging experiences have come full circle because in Elementary school, Angelo and I would sing songs from The Jungle Book at the top of our lungs while on the swings and I have now been swinging in the setting for those very songs.

Tonight I am going to see the Indian adaptation of 'The Three Penny Opera' -in hindi.

This weekend I am going to see some big marble building in Agra.


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